Готовый кроссворд по английскому языку - на тему «Антонимы»

По горизонтали
5. The opposite of active
7. The opposite of loyal
14. The opposite of perfect
15. The opposite of pleased
18. The opposite of interesting
20. The opposite of successful
24. The opposite of reliable
По вертикали
1. The opposite of broad
2. The opposite of place
3. The opposite of spoilt
4. The opposite of honest
6. The opposite of appear
8. The opposite of relevant
9. The opposite of human
10. The opposite of dress
11. The opposite of suitable
12. The opposite of patient
13. The opposite of fortunate
16. The opposite of possible
17. The opposite of calculate
18. The opposite of sympathetic
19. The oppoite of experienced
21. The opposite of effiient
22. The opposite of tolerant
23. The opposite of believe

Похожие кроссворды

По русскому языку - Антонимы
По русскому языку - Синонимы и антонимы

Кроссворды по английскому языку

- U -
USA [25]
- У -
- Ц -



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